Tweet Both of my daughters loved reading Lois Lowry’s The Giver, a story of a future world where only one person in society takes on the role of keeper, the person who remembers what life used to be like when … Continue reading
Category Archives: Dystopian
Tweet Cassie has always been the responsible twin, the one to take care of the farm after their parents couldn’t, the one to do well in school and follow the rules. Becca is the rebel who hangs out with slackers, … Continue reading
Tweet Colin and Ty work in the small parts factory of Metaltown, a dark, cold place where even children who work are only one step away from starvation and homelessness. Lena’s father owns the factory and his word rules Metaltown. … Continue reading
Tweet As the daughter of one of the Foundry’s top executives, 12-year-old Phoebe Plumm lives a privileged life in her mansion at the top of the hill. Despite the gadgets and baubles that make life easier for her, she is … Continue reading
Tweet After World War III survivors created the town of White Rock in the crater formed by one of the “green bombs.” Now everyone in town bands together to invent new things that will enhance their everyday lives as well … Continue reading
Tweet In a future world, after a war that disrupted civilization as we know it, New York City recreated itself in a way to make sure it’s citizens would never rebel against the establishment. In this world music is a … Continue reading
Tweet In the before time the worst thing Icie had to worry about was her ex-boyfriend posting their breakup on Facebook. But when her parents put her on a plane with $10,000, a backpack of survival gear, the key to … Continue reading
Tweet I always love to read author Christina Hamlett’s insightful reviews. Today she is stopping by with her thoughts of the book Starters by Lissa Price. Title: Starters Author: Lissa Price Genre: YA Publisher: Delacorte Books (2012) Despite this dystopian … Continue reading