Book Review: Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko

Tweet It’s 1935 on Alcatraz Island. Al Capone is The Rock’s most famous prisoner among a number of notorious criminals. He’s also a constant fascination for the families of the guards, who live in houses on the island next door … Continue reading

Book Review: According to Kit by Eugenie Doyle

Tweet Kit can’t believe her mother would force her to stay home and be homeschooled just because a classmate at her high school pulled a knife on another student. She doesn’t want to stay home and spend even more time … Continue reading

Mother-Daughter Book Club Meeting and Book Review: The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

Tweet Last night Catherine and I went to our mother-daughter book club meeting. We often don’t meet in December, when everyone is pulled in so many different directions, but this year we all wanted to share a little bit of … Continue reading

Book Review: The Last Will of Moira Leahy, Interview with Author Therese Walsh

Tweet Today I’m excited to feature Therese Walsh and her new book The Last Will of Moira Leahy. This was such an interesting book to read, and I’m eager to share more about it with you. First up is my … Continue reading

Book Review: Water Steps by A. LaFaye

Tweet Ever since she nearly drowned in a storm that took the lives of the rest of her family, Kyna has had a crippling fear of the water. Only three when she was rescued by the couple who became her … Continue reading

Book Review: Dear Pen Pal by Heather Vogel Frederick

Tweet Emma, Jess, Megan and Cassidy are back for another year of reading in their mother-daughter book club in Heather Vogel Frederick’s new book, Dear Pen Pal. Cracking this third book in the mother-daughter book club series is like reconnecting … Continue reading

Book Review: Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon

Tweet I don’t usually review books for the not-quite-ready-for-bookclub age group, but I was presented with the opportunity to read three of the new Horrid Henry books and give them away to a reader. I’ve been hearing about how popular … Continue reading

Book Review: Saving Ben: A Father’s Story of Autism by Dan Burns

Tweet More and more autism and treatments for the condition are in the public eye, but when Dan Burns’ son Ben was born in the 1980s, little was known about autism or what to do for children who had it. … Continue reading

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