Wakawakaloch is not happy. No one pronounces her name correctly. Not in Sabertooth Safety Class, and not during Club Club. Even Elder Mooch, who looked as old as a weather-beaten tetrapod, teased her about her unusual name. Wakawakaloch wanted an easy name, like Oog, Boog, or Goog. Something she could find on a t-shirt. When she finds her connection to the past and invents a new way for every one of her friends to feel good about their names, she comes to accept that her name fits her just right.

My Name is Wakawakaloch! is great for any child whose name is unusual, hard to pronounce, old-fashioned, or different in any way. Set in the time of prehistoric cave dwellers, the picture book is evocative of The Flintstones, with references to modern living attributed to Neanderthals from the past. For instance, Wakawakaloch takes a bath in a bathroom with a toilet and sink. She eats cupcakes, looks out of a telescope at the night sky, and draws on paper with crayons. But she also lives in a cave that has drawings created by her ancestors. It’s a cute mix of prehistoric and modern that will be fun for parents to talk about when they read the book to their children.
Words are by Chana Stiefel, and pictures by Mary Sullivan are light-hearted and colorful. The message of acceptance and friendship is sure to make My Name is Wakawakaloch! a family favorite for read aloud time.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.