Book Review: Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony

Sixteen-year-old Molly is on the adventure of her life. Sneaking into the U. S. from her family’s farm in Canada, she’s on a mission to find out if her grandparents are still alive and living near Portland, Oregon. Travel is severely restricted in a time when most of the world’s oil has run out, and governments tightly control what’s left. Communication is sporadic, and Molly must adjust to changing and unanticipated circumstances before she makes her way to her grandparents’ doorstep.

She finds them alive, but they are eking out an existence with little food and no prospects for the future. Molly must convince them to leave the city and return to Canada with her, even though the journey is sure to be difficult and uncertain, with no way to determine how long it will take. She must also figure out a way to escape the local organized crime mob, which is intent on keeping her around after she overhears them threaten to kill a neighbor. With the help of her new friend, Spill, she just might find a way for all of them to go home.

Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony will transport you into life in the 2040s. Anthony paints a vivid picture of this world without ready gasoline. With no strong government to support infrastructure, organized crime controls most routine transactions. Food is hard to come by. Travel and communication is sparse. Health care is limited.

Molly is a great heroine for her time. Raised on a farm, she has learned self-sufficiency, and she’s not afraid to work. Spared of the realities of a tough city life, she still believes in the goodness of people. She plays the fiddle to restore her own inner harmony and to soothe others as well.

Topics to discuss include the book’s portrayal of this future world and book club members’ own perceptions of what the future may bring. You can also talk about family relationships, adapting to uncertain circumstances, being self-sufficient, contributing to a community, discovering a new friendship, and finding a possible love interest. Anthony has a great book trailer as well as recordings of some of the music highlighted in the book on her website, I highly recommend Restoring Harmony for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 13 and up.

Note to readers in Portland, Oregon. Anthony is appearing at two area bookstores in the next two days. Thursday, May 20 she’ll be at Annie Bloom’s Books, 7834 Southwest Capitol Highway, beginning at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, May 22, she’ll be reading and signing books beginning at 1 p.m. at the Border’s store in Gresham, 687 NW 12th Street.

Book Review: Hailey Twitch is Not a Snitch by Lauren Barnholdt and Suzanne Beaky

Seven-year-old Hailey Twitch likes everything sparkly and flouncy and colorful. She is thrilled to get an assignment to cook an ethnic food for diversity week at school. She wants to work with her friend Antonio, whose family is from Mexico. But then she’s paired with rule-following Addie Jokobeck, who is determined to make French fries. How boring.

Hailey is sulking in her room when a real-live sprite flies out of her play castle. Maybelle has been trapped inside for 200 years. Now she’s being allowed out for a chance to regain her magic, if only she can find out how to have fun.

Hailey Twitch is Not a Snitch, written by Lauren Barnholdt and illustrated by Suzanne Beaky, is a new series for young readers. Hailey has a good heart, but she has a lot to learn about following rules and making new friends. She worries about another girl in class taking her old friends away, and she’s pretty good at knowing when she needs time alone to be crabby.

Young readers aged 6 to 8 will see Hailey work through similar issues that they do: playground disputes, getting in trouble when you didn’t know you were doing something wrong, and keeping old friends while making new ones. Maybelle and her attempts to have fun add an interesting twist. The story ends with a preview of the next title in the series, Hailey Twitch Saves the Play.

Book Review: The Keening by A. LaFaye

When Lyza’s Mater dies of the flu in the pandemic of 1918, Lyza must figure out a way to keep her relatives from sending her Pater away to a place for people deemed crazy. He’s always been different, but Lyza knows he’s not crazy. To prove it, she’ll have to travel far and enlist the help of people she’s never met. In the process she’ll discover her own strength and her talents and find out how to forge ahead in her own life.

The Keening by A. LaFaye is a haunting story in more ways than one. First there’s the spirit that Lyza feels in her home the day a funeral passes by outside. Then there are all the sicknesses and deaths that visit the people in her Maine village. And there are also the carvings her Pater creates, the anguished souls he sees and must set free.

Finally, there’s the feeling of loss and longing throughout the story—Lyza’s longing for her mother, and her desire to have a worthwhile talent. Her friend Jake’s need to escape their small village for the big city of Portland. Her Pater’s wish to help the troubled souls that appear to him.

Author LaFaye creates a setting that’s appropriately dark, with scenes of foggy islands, woods with watching faces and lonely cabins. It matches the somber mood of the times, when even in a small village many people could be quickly lost to the flu. The haunting images LaFaye creates are apt to linger with you for a long time. I recommend The Keening for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 12 and up.

Books Help You Talk To Your Teen About Important Life Issues

I remember when my first mother-daughter book club read a book that dealt with teen sex. The moms were pretty freaked out, thinking our 13-year-old daughters were too young to read about kids just a few years older than them having sex. But we soon realized our daughters really wanted to know what their moms thought about it. They would have never brought it up on their own, but when we talked about what the characters in a book did, it was somehow safe to discuss.

Once we got past that initial stumbling block, it really opened the door for our club to read about many things the girls had questions about. I like to think they were better prepared when they encountered some of the issues we discussed in their own lives. Today I’ve posted a guest blog about how reading books helps us connect with our daughters on many important issues of life. You can find it at Helping Moms Connect.

Book Review: City of Spies by Susan Kim and Laurance Klavan

During the early days the U.S. was involved in Word War II, Americans became obsessed with the thought that spies were among them, secreting away information that would aid the enemy and defeat the Allies. In New York, people were suspicious of Germans in general, and many thought it was their patriotic duty to keep an eye on German citizens.

This is the setting for City of Spies, a new graphic novel by Susan Kim and Laurance Klavan, with artwork by Pascal Dizin. Evelyn has arrived to spend the summer with her Aunt Lia in New York while her father spends time with his new wife. An only child, Evelyn has known a series of stepmothers since her own mother died years before. To help pass the time, she draws action adventures for the superhero she creates, Zirconium Man, and she is his sidekick, Scooter.

Aunt Lia’s artistic lifestyle doesn’t accommodate Evelyn very well, but she doesn’t mind as much after she meets the building superintendent’s son, Tony. Together, they decide to have an adventure and catch a spy. They soon discover that just because someone has a German background, it doesn’t mean he’s stealing secrets and working with the enemy. When they stumble on a real plot, they decide to follow it through and foil the bad guys themselves.

City of Spies does a great job of exploring the imagined and real dangers of the early 1940s while focusing on issues such as friendship, family relationships, and loneliness for both children and adults. It also brings to life two fantasies common among children: being a superhero and catching a spy. As in all good graphic novels, much of the plot and action are carried through by the artwork, and Dizin’s drawings are the perfect accompaniment to Kim and Klavan’s words. A mother-daughter book club with girls aged 13 and up would be able to discuss the historic era and how graphic novels in general differ from reading a regular novel.

Interview with Kathleen Kent, Author of The Heretic’s Daughter

Kathleen Kent

Kathleen Kent is the author of The Heretic’s Daughter, a story of the Carrier family and the Salem Witch Trials (see my review). She grew up in Dallas before attending the University of Texas at Austin.  After college she moved to New York where she worked in commodities and then as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense, traveling extensively in the Former Soviet Union.

In 2000 she returned with her family to Dallas and began writing the book she had always wanted to write; the story of Martha Carrier, the author’s grandmother back 9 generations, who was hanged as a witch in Salem in 1692. Her first novel, The Heretic’s Daughter, is based in part on those family stories, passed down through many generations and has been a New York Times bestselling novel, both in hardcover and in paperback.  Published in over a dozen countries, it was the recipient of the 2008 David J. Langum award for American historical fiction.  Ms. Kent’s second novel, The Wolves of Andover, about the life of Thomas Carrier, will be published by Little Brown in November of 2010.

I caught up to Kent by email, where she happily answered a few questions for Mother Daughter Book

I understand you got the idea for The Heretic’s Daughter from family stories about Martha Carrier. How did you decide to turn those stories into a novel?

I first remember hearing about Martha Carrier and the Carrier family legends from my grandmother. She told such wonderful stories, not only about the Salem witch trials, but about the hardships and personal courage of Martha and her husband Thomas. She was the one who said, in answer to my question of whether or not Martha was truly witch, “there are no such things as witches, merely ferocious women!” I had always had in mind to write a fictionalized version of these events, but ended up working for twenty years in New York, building a career in business. In 2000, when I moved back to my childhood home of Dallas, I made a conscious decision to begin the research and writing of the book. It took five years of hard research and many drafts of the novel before I felt confident enough to send it to publishers.

How difficult was it for you to imagine the details of life for these people, your ancestors who became your characters?

When I first began researching the book, I felt very strongly that for the story to feel authentic, it needed to be filled with accurate accounts of day to day life; how these settlers dressed, farmed, cared for their families, worshipped. I spent countless hours pouring over documents, sermons and letters of the day to glean details of what life was like in 17th century New England. The best historical fiction, I believe, is anchored in good historical research. The characters were drawn not only from the stories that my grandmother used to tell—she was always gleeful about how outspoken Martha Carrier was—but also from relatives in my own immediate family. The story of conflict between Sarah and her mother, Martha, were drawn, in part, to my own struggles to find self-identity. And finally, I was very fortunate to have access to the verbatim transcripts of some of the court proceedings. A lot of the state of mind and character of the accused can be extracted from the narrative of the actual trials.

What kind of research did you do to fill in the other historical information you needed to bring your story to life?

I did a lot of conventional research in books and on-line as there is a wealth of fiction and non-fiction information of the time in print, but I also traveled to Massachusetts and Connecticut to visit historical societies, genealogical societies and even senior citizen homes to talk to the local town historians. Standing in the original buildings and homes that still exist gave me a visceral sense of the scale and harshness of the times, and I looked for lesser known (and sometimes very dry) accounts of agrarian life in the 17th century. Some of the best windows into the times came from reading the letters of the settlers, although most of the accounts were from the male perspective of Puritan life.

Did you discover anything surprising while you were conducting research?

It came as a surprise that close to 150 men,women and children under the age of 17 were arrested, some of whom were relatively privileged and influential. When we study the witch trials in school, we usually tend to believe that only a hand full of people were accused and hanged.  So many theories have been offered to explain the intensity of the hysteria—ergot poisoning, or even that there really was witchcraft practiced—but I was surprised to learn that almost every accusing girl had been related to, or closely associated with, someone who had been captured or killed by Indians. In the Puritan mind the native Americans were not devils figuratively, but were in essence devils personified. It gave me a new perspective on the level of fear the settlers experienced waiting for the next raid or attack.

How did you decide to tell the story from Sarah’s point of view, instead of her mother’s?

I had originally planned to write the book from Martha’s point of view, but I quickly realized that once Martha is hanged, that’s the end of her narrative. There was so much that happened after the hangings, so many young people still imprisoned, that I decided it would be more interesting to have the narrator be one of Martha’s children. In reality, four of her five children were arrested, her two oldest sons tortured to compel them to testify against their own mother, and I felt that the story would take on a new, deeper emotional charge if it was told by the young daughter, Sarah.

I also wanted to illustrate the universal, and timeless, theme of the dynamics between mothers and daughters. It usually takes a life-time of living, raising children, marriage, and profound loss, to fully understand the sacrifices that our mothers made for us. I wanted to portray a coming of age story, and the blossoming of  personal wisdom that reminds us daily who we are and where we came from.

What do you particularly find fascinating about the Salem Witch Trials?

There are so many elements of the trials that are interesting, not just from a historical point of view, but which have relevence today; religious tolerance and freedom, the necessity of due process of law, engaging in the greater civilized discuss to prevent abuses of power, especially from fundamentalist groups who seek to repress the weakest members of society, mostly women and children. I think for a long time, quite a few people still wanted to believe that these so-called witches were in fact confederates of the Devil. There is a profound longing for magic in our lives and it’s titillating to think of people with the power to fly on a broomstick, casting magical spells. But with good historical scrutiny comes revelation, and we only have to look back a little ways in more recent history—Bosnia in the 1980’s, Germany in the 1930’s—to see how quickly, even the most “enlightened”, civilization can turn on its own people. We now know that the men and women hanged were victims of greed, vengeful thinking, unreasoning supersitious fear and a misunderstanding of mental illness.

How does this story differ from others told about that time?

It is, at heart, a story of family struggle, courage and survival. The witch trials are an important part of the book, indeed its central theme, but it’s a more personal story about the Carrier family–stories that have been passed down through ten generations. There are little anecdotal tales in the book that come directly from the family, for example the Carrier cow that was fed pumpkins and gave golden milk, that I hoped would give a greater dimension to the characters. A lot of the fictionalized versions of the witch trials center on the trials, without chronicling the events that led up to the hysteria and neighbor turning against neighbor.

What are you working on now?

I am delighted to say that I have completed the prequel to The Heretic’s Daughter which will be released on November 8. Titled The Wolves of Andover, the novel depicts the life of Thomas Carrier, Martha’s husband, and his involvement in the English Civil War and the events leading to the execution of King Charles I of England. Some of his life previous to coming to the colonies was alluded to in the first novel. The contents of the “red diary” will be fully revealed, exposing the intrigue and mayhem of the courts of Charles I and Charles II, and the flight of the regicides to the new world.

Is there anything else you’d like to say to readers at Mother Daughter Book

One of my greatest joys since publishing The Heretic’s Daughter is knowing that so many women have shared the book with their families, especially with their mothers, daughters, grandmothers, etc. I have spoken to many book groups, and often the most fun are the mother/daughter book clubs where the readers tell their own generational stories. The book has been published in 15 countries, worldwide, and it speaks to the importance of the women bonding together for support and comfort. After all, usually the keepers of the flame of family history are the women.

Book Review: The Heretic’s Daughter by Kathleen Kent

When hardship hits ten-year-old Sarah Carrier’s family, they move on a cold December day from their home in Billerica, Massachusetts to nearby Andover. They don’t know it, but they carry the plague with them, wrapped in the blankets her brother shivers into. The Carriers move in with Sarah’s grandmother, and they must apply to the local council for the right to stay. Everyone is afraid of the plague, but in deference to Sarah’s grandmother the family is allowed to stay—to dire consequences. When it’s clear the sickness is in their home, Sarah and her younger sister are sent to live with an aunt and uncle until the worst has passed. Months later, they return home to find their brothers, mother and father have survived, but their grandmother has not.

Sarah’s mother, Martha Carrier, is a hard woman who keeps her emotions under tight control. Sarah resents the lack of affection she feels from her mother, and she chafes against the hard life she must live for the family to survive. The Carriers are also isolated, resented by the people of Andover , who blame them for bringing the plague to town. Martha’s hard personality doesn’t soften their resentment.

When things go wrong with crops, or a neighbor’s cow sickens and dies, it’s easy for the superstitious among the Andover populace to lay the blame on Martha. Many whisper that she is a witch to be feared. When girls from the neighboring town of Salem begin to accuse their own townspeople of witchcraft, it’s not long before accusations are aimed at residents of nearby towns as well, and Martha Carrier finds herself accused.

As Sarah slowly watches each of her family members arrested on accusations of witchcraft, she knows the day will come when she has to follow her mother’s instructions to save whoever of the family she can, betraying her mother so the rest may survive.

The Heretic’s Daughter by Kathleen Kent does a masterful job of capturing the mood of the times leading up to and during the Salem Witch Trials. The story of the trials may seem like familiar literary territory, but the author finds a way to make the story fresh as she tells the story of Martha Carrier, one of the many women and men hanged as witches in Salem in 1692.

Carrier was Kent’s ancestor, and Kent grew up hearing family stories of the witch trials as well as Carrier’s place in them. In addition, she conducted extensive research of her own, rooting out official records from the time and finding out details to place the witch hysteria in historic context. She does an excellent job of weaving in details about fears of Indian raids, the plague and harsh winters. It’s hard for us to imagine the hysteria that not only allowed belief in the false claims of girls who claimed that hundreds of citizens roamed the countryside enchanting the people, but also condemned people to die for those claims. The Heretic’s Daughter can prompt discussions of how mass hysteria can take hold of a population, relationships between mothers and daughters, maintaining integrity when faced with hardship. Highly recommended for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and up.


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