Tweet History is often told through the exploits of men, because for the most part they held the most powerful positions and made the decisions that changed the world. But that’s not always the case. Elizabeth I is an exception, … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet When hard times hit Hansel and Gretel’s family, their father takes them into the woods and leaves them there. The storyteller says it was part of an evil plot to get rid of the children. But the two urchins … Continue reading
Tweet When Leah Tinari completed portraits of the U.S. presidents for her son, she found herself frustrated that all the portraits were of men. That experience, plus her reflection on the life and death of actress Carrie Fisher, inspired her … Continue reading
Tweet As an educator teaching middle-school students the basics of “Cyber Civics,” Diana Graber has heard her share of stories where kids get into trouble using technology. Yet she prefers to focus on the positive things that technology brings to … Continue reading
Tweet Patricia Hruby Powell I’m thrilled to present a guest post by author Patricia Hruby Powell, who has written so many books I have loved, including Loving vs. Virginia. In this post, Powell talks about the landmark case and her … Continue reading
Tweet I Hate My Cats (A Love Story) by Davide Cali and Anna Pirolli is a great picture book for anyone who has a cat or cats and loves them despite the trouble they may get into. The two cats … Continue reading
Tweet The story of how 12 black students integrated a public high school in Clinton, Tennessee, in 1956 is not as well known as other stories of children breaking down race barriers during that time. This Promise of Change: One … Continue reading
Tweet From an Idea to Disney includes quotes from Walt, fun facts, and definitions and explanations of some of the more complicated concepts surrounding the Disney company, including what it means to offer public stock. The story goes past Walt’s … Continue reading