Tweet Madeline Sharples, the author of Leaving the Hall Light On, has a guest post today about mental illness and how it’s perceived in our society today. Leaving the Hall Light On is about living after loss. It’s about finding … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet A tiny kitten was left in a library return box in a small town in Iowa during the late 1980s. When found, he was almost frozen and half-starved. From such humble beginnings, that tiny kitten went on to become … Continue reading
Tweet Why…Thank You! by Cat Wagman is the perfect book to have on hand if you’ve ever been faced with the desire to write a heartfelt thank you note but couldn’t get beyond what you thought were trite expressions of … Continue reading
Tweet Tammy’s mother is in a coma after an accident, and Tammy and her brother Ken worry that she may never wake up. Life is difficult for the family as the children’s father spends a lot of time at the … Continue reading
Tweet I have to admit that one of my favorite parts of what I do with Mother Daughter Book Club. com is reading and reviewing books that may be interesting for clubs to choose. Still, I’m only one person with … Continue reading
Tweet There’s a lot to irritate Anya about her life. Her mother cooks fattening food, she’s associated with an unpopular boy in school just because they’re both Russian immigrants, her close friend is mad at her and she never expects … Continue reading
Tweet Author Nigel Hinton grew up hearing how his grandfather left his large, poor family from Poland at the age of 11 to seek his way in the world. His book, Walk the Wild Road, fictionalizes the family legend and … Continue reading
Tweet Ariel loves to cook. It helps her forget about the fact that she already has a huge chest that the eighth grade boys love to stare at, and that her family can really embarrass her sometimes. She especially loves … Continue reading