About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: Crazy U: One Dad’s Crash Course in Getting His Kid Into College by Andrew Ferguson

Tweet Any parent who’s had a child apply for college will be able to relate to Andrew Ferguson’s look at the process in Crazy U: One Dad’s Crash Course in Getting His Kid Into College. But the ones who will … Continue reading

Book Review and Giveaway: Unforgettable by Loretta Ellsworth

Tweet Baxter remembers everything since he was three. Doctors say a fall from a swing rewired his brain, and now he remembers every detail of everything that has ever happened to him, particularly the events surrounding his court testimony that … Continue reading

Book Review and Giveaway: With a Name Like Love by Tess Hilmo

Tweet With a Name Like Love is a new book by Tess Hilmo that explores themes of friendship, pursuit of what’s right, and standing up for someone who is unpopular. Geared to readers aged 9 to 12, it will resonate … Continue reading

Book Review: Doggirl by Robin Brande

Tweet Riley Case, aka Doggirl, has always been better at communicating with dogs than people, and she sees no reason to change that. All she wants to do is get through high school and go to college so she can … Continue reading

Book Review: Let’s Make Some Great Art by Marion Deuchars

Tweet Today I’m thrilled to let you know about a new book that can help kids get excited about creating art, and I have one copy of it to give away to a reader. If you’d like to win, just … Continue reading

Book Review: The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Tweet Julie is thinking of nothing more than sneaking makeup from her friend’s mom and getting boys to notice her as she finishes summer term of Year Six. Then one day Mongolian brothers Chingis and Nergui appear in her classroom, … Continue reading

Interview With Bianca Turetsky, Author of The Time-Traveling Fashionista

Tweet Bianca Turetsky is the author of The Time-Traveling Fashionista (see my review), a book about a girl who tries on a vintage dress and ends up transported back to the time the original owner wore it. It’s the first … Continue reading

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