It’s not common to think of famous people from history as thieves. And yet, in many cases they stole to cement their power, which is why their names are known to us today. Take Elizabeth I of England. She stole gold, silver, and ships from Spain, which had stolen much of its riches from natives in the new world. Or Napoleon Bonaparte, who stole some of the most revered pieces of art as he rampaged across Europe, bringing them back to install in the Louvre museum.
These personalities and others are profiled in Thrilling Thieves: Liars, Cheats, and Cons Who Changed History by Brianna DuMont. Part of The Changed History Series, Thrilling Thieves also focuses on people who are also considered heroes, like Robert Smalls. Smalls was a slave in South Carolina who led his family and others to freedom during the Civil War by stealing a warship.
Thomas Edison also makes the list, as he stole quite a few ideas for inventions and patented them in his name. The 12 profiles of people both famous and little known helps history come alive in a way that will encourage young readers to view history from a different perspective. I recommend Thrilling Thieves for ages 9 to 12.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.