Tweet Stanley and Vera bond when they meet as teen contestants at the National Spelling Bee. Named rare co-winners, they see each other once a year when they return as former champs. They each understand the quirky upbringing the other … Continue reading
Tag Archives: books for mother-daughter book clubs
Tweet First Daughter Audrey Rhodes is having difficulty adjusting to life in the White House. She left her friends behind in Minnesota, making new ones at her new school is not easy with a Secret Service agent in tow, and … Continue reading
Tweet Book Bundlz website is a great place for book clubs to check out for all kinds of information. Here’s an article I wrote for them about 12 Great Books for Mother-Daughter Book Clubs. There are four categories of readers … Continue reading
Tweet Last week Madeleine and I went to the last official meeting of our mother-daughter book club. I think we’re all in denial because it was just like a regular ol’ meeting. No fanfare or anything out of the ordinary. … Continue reading