Book Review: Love, Meg by C. Leigh Purtill

Tweet Meg believes she knows everything about her life. Her parents are dead and her older sister, Lucy, has cared for her ever since she was a baby. They travel from town to town in California, following Lucy’s jobs and … Continue reading

Book Review: Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls Edited by Deb Loughead and Jocelyn Shipley

Tweet Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls. Just the name is edgy and designed to get our attention, and the stories inside live up to the title. In the foreword, editors Deb Loughead and Jocelyn Shipley say that the word … Continue reading

Book Review: Memo to the President Elect by Madeleine Albright

Tweet When I’m not reading for one of my mother-daughter book clubs or reviewing books for this blog and my Web site, I’m reading for a book discussion group that I’m in with my husband, Randy, and three other couples. … Continue reading

Book Review: Unraveling by Lynn Biederman and Michelle Baldini

Tweet Previously I’ve written about an interview with Lynn Biederman, author of unraveling, and her mom. But I realized I never wrote my official review of the book for my blog readers. So here it is, just in time for … Continue reading

The Secret Life of Bees Movie/Book Comparison

Tweet Yesterday Catherine and I went to see The Secret Life of Bees with our book club. It was a school holiday and Madeleine joined us, since we had previously read the book with her book club too. We enjoyed … Continue reading

Book Review: Savvy by Ingrid Law

Tweet I recently read Savvy by Ingrid Law with my daughter Catherine, who’s 14. We both liked it, and we thought it finds an interesting balance between realistic and fantasy fiction while giving the reader lots to think about. It’s … Continue reading

Book Review: Masterpiece by Elise Broach

Tweet I recently read Masterpiece by Elise Broach and was totally delighted with the story and the characters. Mother-daughter book clubs with daughters aged 9 and up should enjoy reading it—there’s a sprinkling of art history scattered among the broader … Continue reading

Book Review: Call Me Hope by Gretchen Olsen + Mother-Daughter Book Club Library Meeting

Tweet Last Saturday I was happy to be invited as a guest to the Hillsboro, Oregon, public library mother-daughter book club meeting. Gretchen Olson, author of Call Me Hope, was also there to talk about her book and the Hands … Continue reading

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