Tweet When Farah Naz Rishi met Stephen while working on a class project in college, the last thing she thought is that they would become best friends and ultimately marry. For one thing, her first impression was that he was … Continue reading
Category Archives: Memoir
Tweet While Robert Norris was growing up, his mother, Kay, set an example for him as an independent thinker. At a time when divorce was uncommon and looked down on, she got divorced. She stood up to the priest who … Continue reading
Tweet Today I’m taking part in a blog tour through Wow! Women on Writing for Neill McKee’s book, My University of the World: Adventures of an International Film & Media Maker. For other stops on the tour, check out the … Continue reading
Tweet Note from While I didn’t have the opportunity to review the following book, I wanted to make readers aware of it, so I worked with the author on an excerpt. Read on to learn more. The following is … Continue reading
Tweet Dear Dana by Amy Weinland Daughters is somewhat of a story within a story. A tale for our lives now that started when the author realized that someone she knew as a teen, and who she was friends with … Continue reading
Tweet Every January governments, workplaces, and people around the U.S. pause to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his legacy. But the national holiday that falls on or near his birthday each year didn’t simply arise on its own … Continue reading
Tweet In her psychotherapy practice, Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor began to explore the importance of the mother-daughter relationship to her patients, many of whom were dealing with eating disorders. While helping others connect with their unexamined trauma, she turned her … Continue reading
Tweet Lan Cao came to the U.S. when she was 13, a refugee from Vietnam when U.S. troops were leaving. Throughout the years she has struggled to adapt to American culture. At times she has embraced the Vietnamese culture of … Continue reading