Tweet Tink is eleven and about to start sixth grade. Over the summer she grew a lot taller and had to start wearing a bra. Her best friend Jackie is still small, flat and, in Tink’s opinion, cute because of … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet Natalie Dias Lorenzi is the author of one of my favorite recent books for readers aged 9 to 12, Flying the Dragon (read my review). So when she got in touch to ask if I wanted to review her … Continue reading
Tweet With a simple little picture book, They All Saw a Cat, Brendan Wenzel gets across a big concept: that an animal or object looks different to everyone who sees it, because each person and creature sees with a unique … Continue reading
Tweet As a long-time member of several mother-daughter book clubs, Katherine Koller knows that girls tend to be honest with their opinions about what they read. That’s why she wanted her book club members to read her manuscript … Continue reading
Tweet Lupe Impala, El Chavo Flapjack and Elirio Malaria dream of one day opening their own car repair shop. When they hear about a competition that gives away a car load of cash for the winning car, they set out … Continue reading
Tweet From the authors of bestseller Steam Train, Dream Train comes two books to help kids learn numbers and colors. Steam Train, Dream Train 1-2-3, takes kids on a ride while they learn numbers one through ten. Each page focuses … Continue reading
Tweet Stanley and Vera bond when they meet as teen contestants at the National Spelling Bee. Named rare co-winners, they see each other once a year when they return as former champs. They each understand the quirky upbringing the other … Continue reading
Tweet Young John Milton (aka Spud) lives with his family in South Africa during the days before apartheid ends. He’s landed a scholarship to a prestigious boy’s boarding school and takes up residence in a house with a group of … Continue reading