About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: Hundred Percent by Karen Romano Young

Tweet Tink is eleven and about to start sixth grade. Over the summer she grew a lot taller and had to start wearing a bra. Her best friend Jackie is still small, flat and, in Tink’s opinion, cute because of … Continue reading

Book Review: A Long Pitch Home by Natalie Dias Lorenzi

Tweet Natalie Dias Lorenzi is the author of one of my favorite recent books for readers aged 9 to 12, Flying the Dragon (read my review). So when she got in touch to ask if I wanted to review her … Continue reading

Book Review: Lowriders in Space by Cathy Camper

Tweet Lupe Impala, El Chavo Flapjack and Elirio Malaria dream of one day opening their own car repair shop. When they hear about a competition that gives away a car load of cash for the winning car, they set out … Continue reading

Book Review: Steam Train, Dream Train 1-2-3 and Colors

Tweet From the authors of bestseller Steam Train, Dream Train comes two books to help kids learn numbers and colors. Steam Train, Dream Train 1-2-3, takes kids on a ride while they learn numbers one through ten. Each page focuses … Continue reading

Book Review: Two Across by Jeff Bartsch

Tweet Stanley and Vera bond when they meet as teen contestants at the National Spelling Bee. Named rare co-winners, they see each other once a year when they return as former champs. They each understand the quirky upbringing the other … Continue reading

Book Review: Spud by Jon van de Ruit

Tweet Young John Milton (aka Spud) lives with his family in South Africa during the days before apartheid ends. He’s landed a scholarship to a prestigious boy’s boarding school and takes up residence in a house with a group of … Continue reading

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