About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne

Tweet The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne is set during a time in the future, long after another ice age has made Earth uninhabitable. Princess Leonie lives on a spaceship with her family, hanging onto their fading fortunes and … Continue reading

Book Review: Gloom Town by Ronald L. Smith

Tweet Twelve-year-old Rory and his mom have trouble making ends meet even though she has two jobs. So when he gets the chance to work at a mansion for the reclusive Lord Foxglove he takes it. But there’s something strange … Continue reading

Book Review: Zatanna and the House of Secrets

Tweet Zatanna would love to be a magician, like her dad. Then maybe things wouldn’t be so difficult with the kids at school, who don’t think she’s cool enough to hang around with. One fateful day several things happen in … Continue reading

Book Review: Diana: Princess of the Amazons by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale

Tweet Before she became Wonder Woman, Diana was a young princess on her hidden isle, longing for someone to play with. Her mother and the other Amazons were always so busy training, that they didn’t have much time to pay … Continue reading

Book Review: Green Lantern Legacy by Minh Lê and Andie Tong

Tweet Tai lives with his parents and grandmother in the apartment above the family store, which seems to be getting vandalized more and more often. Tai’s family thinks about selling out, to avoid the violence. But a strange thing happens … Continue reading

Book Review: A Girl, A Raccoon, and the Midnight Moon by Karen Romano Young

Tweet Pearl has grown up in the Lancaster Avenue branch of the New York City Library, where her mom is a librarian. But with circulation down and a crumbling building that’s expensive to fix, she’s worried that she won’t have … Continue reading

Book Review: The Grossest Picture Book Ever by Derek Taylor Kent

Tweet Once upon a time there was a town named Gross, which claimed to be the grossest place from coast to coast. It was so gross, the story of this town became a picture book by Derek Taylor Kent, called … Continue reading

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