Before Bruce Wayne became Batman he was a teenaged guy who wanted to avenge the death of his parents. And he thinks he knows who’s responsible: the major crime family in Gotham. When he discovers that Alfred had a long ago connection to that family, he jumps to conclusions and grows suspicious of Alfred, too. With the help of two friends, he uncovers the truth about his long-time butler and helps to foil a car theft operation.
Batman Overdrive written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Marcelo DiChiara, catches up with Bruce as he is getting his driver’s license and becoming interested in the vintage cars beneath Bruce Manor. He wants to restore them, but finds he can’t do it on his own. When he opens up to others he knows, he begins to assemble what will become the Batmobile. Meanwhile he struggles with his own guilt over his parents’ murders. Ultimately, he finds out that trusting others is better than working alone to achieve what he wants.
Readers will appreciate learning more about Alfred and his backstory as well as meeting new characters in the Batman story. The graphic novel format brings the action to life and keeps the story moving at a fast pace. I recommend Batman Overdrive for readers aged 8 to 11.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.