About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott By Kelly O’Connor McNees

Tweet Louisa May Alcott is one of the most beloved literary figures in American history. Her book Little Women, has never been out of circulation, and it’s been adapted for the screen and stage many times. As Little Women is … Continue reading

Book Review: Tombstone Tea by Joanne Dahme

Tweet Jessie is acting on a dare when she shows up at the Laurel Hill Cemetery one night. Her instructions are to spend a whole night while wandering the cemetery and collecting rubbings from the gravestones of 10 residents. Desperate … Continue reading

Book Review: What I Would Tell Her, Edited by Andrea N. Richesin

Tweet The relationship between dads and their daughters is often complicated in ways neither understands or is likely to talk about much. A peek into the dad’s side of the equation can be glimpsed through a new collection of stories … Continue reading

Book Review: Magickeepers, The Pyramid of Souls by Erica Kirov

Tweet Nick is tired of living in the Las Vegas hotel/casino that acts as the cover for his magical family. All he gets to eat is Russian food, all he does is practice magic, and his older cousins keep access … Continue reading

Book Review: Bonobo Handshake by Vanessa Woods

Tweet For me a great memoir does more than tells a personal story. It also engages both my emotions and my intellect and leaves me wanting to know more about the author and what she writes about. Bonobo Handshake by … Continue reading

Book Review: We Hear the Dead by Dianne K. Salerni

Tweet Maggie Fox and her sister, Kate, are just playing around when they pretend they can communicate with the dead. But soon their brother is digging up the basement and finding what may be a body, and people everywhere are … Continue reading

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