About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: The Samantha Granger Experiment: Fused by Kari Lee Townsend

Tweet The Samantha Granger Experiment: Fused by Kari Lee Townsend is part realistic fiction, part science fiction, and part superhero action novel. It’s also funny. Samantha Granger could get lost in her own home—she has zero sense of direction. So … Continue reading

Book Review: More Bears! Written by Kenn Nesbitt and Illustrated by Troy Cummings

Tweet Kenn Nesbitt is a master storyteller for kids. If you’re familiar with his silly rhymes and wacky poetry, and even if you’re not, you’ll want to check out his book for the youngest readers, More Bears! The book opens … Continue reading

Book Review: Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? by Pamela Keogh

Tweet Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Marilyn Monroe are two of the most memorable female icons of the last century. In her own way, each embodied personal style and celebrity, and each held power over those around her. Jacqueline came from … Continue reading

Book Review: The Heroine’s Bookshelf by Erin Blakemore

Tweet Imagine pairing some of your favorite heroines in literary history with their female authors and analyzing both the similarities and differences in their lives. That’s what Erin Blakemore has done in The Heroine’s Bookshelf: Life Lessons, From Jane Austen … Continue reading

Book Review: Ivy + Bean: What’s the Big Idea, Written by Annie Barrows, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall

Tweet Ivy and Bean are friends even though they are opposite in many ways. Bean is loud and rambunctious and full of crazy ideas. Ivy is quiet and thoughtful and often willing to help Bean try out some of her … Continue reading

Book Review: If I Could Keep You Little by Marianne Richmond

Tweet If I Could Keep You Little, written and illustrated by Marianne Richmond, is sure to resonate with both parents and growing children who are proud of their accomplishments. Each page features a mom or dad talking about all the … Continue reading

Book Review: The Perfect Love Song by Patti Callahan Henry

Tweet In Irish storytelling tradition, Patti Callahan Henry has a brought us a touching holiday tale about finding and holding onto the things you love in The Perfect Love Song. The unnamed, omniscient storyteller weaves the tale of brothers Jack … Continue reading

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