An unexpected storm traps Mira on Haven, the island where she lives, separated from her mother and younger brother, who are stuck on the mainland. In the storm’s aftermath, she fights for survival amid the destruction while also coming to grips with loss and discovery of a long-held family secret.
This is the Story of You by Beth Kephart tells the story of Mira, who lives in a small community. She knows everyone, has gone to school with the kids her age since they all started out together, and is used to the rhythm of her life. She lives on an island where everything is familiar. Mira has to call on unknown strengths and emotional reserves to make it through the storm and help others as she can. At the same time, she is confronted with a mystery person who keeps visiting her crumbling home, and who seems to be searching for something.
While I would have liked to find out more about what happens after the mystery is revealed to Mira, I thought the story provided an interesting look at how people respond after their lives are upended. And if you’ve been reluctant to assemble a disaster survival kit, reading This is the Story of You will send you out to buy supplies right away. It’s a thought-provoking book for readers 14+ about responding to events that challenge us both physically and emotionally.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.