Flight 1-2-3 by Maria van Lieshout is a great picture book to give to kids before going on a trip that involves an airplane. Each page covers some part of the trip plus a number. At the beginning it asks the question, “When taking a flight, what do you see?” The answers go from 1 to 10 for things like the airport, the escalators, check-in desks and airplane gates. It also goes to higher numbers that engage the imagination of young children, like “100 fastened seat belts” and “a million places to explore.” It all ends with a happy reunion with friends or relatives once the family gets to its destinations.
Van Lieshout’s illustrations are sparse and colorful, reminiscent of signs you see in airports with symbols for food and drink, restrooms and trash cans. With its sturdy, easy-to-wipe-off cover, Flight 1-2-3 can be easily taken along on a trip and referred to often as families go through each stage of travel.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.