This review was sent in by a young girl who read Sarah: Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan for her mother-daughter book club:
This book was a story told by Anna about how she got her new mother Sarah. Her father put an ad in the paper looking for a new wife. Sarah was from Maine and she came for a visit to see if she wanted to get married. Anna and her brother were worried that she wouldn’t want to stay and be their mother. At the very end of the book, we found out.
This was the first book that we read for our mother-daughter book club. Everyone really liked the book. We talked about lots of things like how hard it is to move to a new place, and we discussed our favorite parts of the book. I especially liked that the book was funny and sad. Everyone agreed that they wanted to read more books in the Sarah: Plain and Tall series. – Hayley P., Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania – 8 years old