Tweet Loren, known as Lo, comes from a long line of psychic women who have visions of their soulmates before they meet. Her own mom died when she was young, and she’s never had a vision of her own until … Continue reading
Category Archives: Reviews of Books for Adults
Tweet Remi Finch hates spending time with family. She particularly doesn’t get along with her two older sisters. But when her parents anniversary requires a mandatory appearance at a camping weekend, Remi knows she has to make the best of … Continue reading
Tweet Version 1.0.0 When Rue Matthiessen was eight, her family spent a summer in Ireland in an idyllic setting near the ruin of a castle. Her parents were going through a difficult period, but Rue remembers that time as a … Continue reading
Tweet When Farah Naz Rishi met Stephen while working on a class project in college, the last thing she thought is that they would become best friends and ultimately marry. For one thing, her first impression was that he was … Continue reading
Tweet While Robert Norris was growing up, his mother, Kay, set an example for him as an independent thinker. At a time when divorce was uncommon and looked down on, she got divorced. She stood up to the priest who … Continue reading
Tweet Today I’m taking part in a blog tour through Wow! Women on Writing for Neill McKee’s book, My University of the World: Adventures of an International Film & Media Maker. For other stops on the tour, check out the … Continue reading
Tweet In her book Kin: Rooted in Hope, award-winning children’s author and poet Carole Boston Weatherford takes a family roots story and turns it into the wider tale of American slavery. Through research, Weatherford discovered that her ancestors fought in … Continue reading
Tweet A grandmother’s dying wish to see Graceland one more time. Her pink-haired teen granddaughter driving her there from New York in an old Volkswagen. Her daughter protecting a long-buried secret, trying to prevent them from reaching their destination. A … Continue reading