Book Review: White Sands, Red Menace by Ellen Klages

Tweet It’s such a pleasure to read a sequel that lives up to and possibly even surpasses the original. White Sands, Red Menace, Ellen Klages’s follow up to The Green Glass Sea is a wonderful continuation of Suze Gordon and … Continue reading

Book Review: Operation Redwood by S. Terrell French

Tweet Twelve-year-old Julian Carter-Li has no idea that adventure will soon find him. All he knows is that his mother is on a grant-paid trip to China that should enhance her career as a photographer, while she’s gone he has … Continue reading

Book Review: Women Making America by Heidi Hemming and Julie Hemming Savage

Tweet I’ve been reading a book called Women Making America by Heidi Hemming and Julie Hemming Savage and I think many of you would find it both interesting and useful. First, it’s a great resource for finding information and ideas … Continue reading

Book Review: Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightning; Interview with Author Danette Haworth

Tweet I feel fortunate to have been introduced to Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightning by Danette Haworth. This delightful book is great for mother-daughter book clubs, and it makes a good summer book for readers on their own. … Continue reading

Book Review: Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb

Tweet Autumn Winifred Oliver has a lot going on for an 11-year-old living in the tiny, mountain settlement of Cades Cove, Tennessee. She’s waiting to move with her mom and big sister Katie to Knoxville, where her dad already lives … Continue reading

Book Review: The Book of Nonsense by David Michael Slater

Tweet The Book of Nonsense by David Michael Slater is a treat for mystery lovers, magic lovers and just general book lovers. Daphna and her twin Dexter are as different as twins can be. Daphna loves books and volunteers reading … Continue reading

Book Review: Piper Reed, The Great Gypsy by Kimberly Willis Holt

Tweet Every now and then I get to take a break from some of my heavier reading and get a reminder of how much fun it can be to read something geared to early readers. Piper Reed, The Great Gypsy … Continue reading

Book Review: The Mother Daughter Cookbook by Lynette Rohrer Shirk

Tweet My daughters are ecstatic because school got called for another snow day here in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. They’ve been off all week, and now they have two more weeks off to look forward to. I, on the … Continue reading

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