Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook All About the Gross Stuff

Tweet Lots of kids love gross stuff. They may learn to be polite and hide their fascination with body fluids, creepy bugs and germ-ridden places, but that doesn’t mean they’re less drawn to reading about them. Which is why lots … Continue reading

Book Review: The Red Umbrella by Christina Diaz Gonzalez

Tweet During the midst of the Cuban Revolution in the early 1960s, thousands of children were sent alone to live with relatives or be taken in by aid agencies in the U. S. The Red Umbrella by Christina Diaz Gonzalez, … Continue reading

Book Review: The Aristobrats by Jennifer Solow

Tweet Parker, Ikea, Plum and Kiki can’t wait for eighth grade to start at the exclusive Wallingford Academy. They feel like they’ve earned the privilege of being at the top of the social heap and are set to reap the … Continue reading

Book Review: The Healing Spell by Kimberley Griffiths Little

Tweet Livie’s mama lies in a coma inside their little home near a Louisiana bayou. While Livie’s daddy and her sisters can help care for her mama, she can’t bring herself to touch her. And Livie holds a powerful secret … Continue reading

Book Review: Betti on the High Wire by Lisa Railsback

Tweet At 10, Babo is the oldest in a camp of “leftover kids” who have lost their parents to war. She helps Aunt Moo care for the littler ones and likes to tell stories of her mama and dad who … Continue reading

Book Review: The Death of Silas Winterbottom by Stephen M. Giles

Tweet The Winterbottom family is not exactly what you’d call close. Cousins Adele, Isabella and Milo have never even met each other, and the elder Winterbottoms have either died or refuse to see each other. So it’s rather strange when … Continue reading

Book Review: Rocky Road by Rose Kent

Tweet Who moves to Schenectady, New York with plans to open an ice cream shop in the middle of winter? That’s what twelve-year-old Tess is wondering as she’s on the way there from San Antonio, Texas. Tess and her little … Continue reading

Book Review: Breakaway by Andrea Montalbano

Tweet Lily was born to play soccer, or at least that’s how she felt the first time she kicked a soccer ball. She’s good at it too, the best on her team. But when she finds out the hard way … Continue reading

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