Book Review: The Disaster Days by Rebecca Behrens

Tweet Hannah Steele is a little nervous when she agrees to babysit her neighbor’s two school-age children. It’s only her second time babysitting, and all the adults she knows will be off the remote island where they live near Seattle. … Continue reading

Book Review: Black Canary: Ignite by Meg Cabot

Tweet Dinah Lance has a loud voice. She uses it when she’s mad, or excited, or worried. Her boisterous ways serve her well in the band she’s in with her two best friends. But it causes trouble other times, like … Continue reading

Book Review: The Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid by Kirk Scroggs

Tweet Russell isn’t like the other kids at Houma Bayou Middle School. For one thing, he’s green. And his hair is like duckweed. Plus, he’s got webbed toes and a carrot growing from his finger. As a baby, he was … Continue reading

Book Review: Cursed by Thomas Wheeler and Frank Miller

Tweet Nimue doesn’t know why her mother’s last act is to thrust a sword into her hands and implore her to take it to Merlin. All she knows is that the Paladins, holy men intent on destroying her kind, are … Continue reading

Book Review: The Paris Project by Donna Gephart

Tweet Cleveland Potts needs to leave her home in Sassafras, Florida, pronto. She can hardly bear to stay in a place where one of her best friends snubs her, her mom and sister work extra hard just to get by, … Continue reading

Book Review: Emmy in the Key of Code by Aimee Lucido

Tweet When Emmy’s family moves from Wisconsin to San Francisco for her dad’s job, she feels like she doesn’t fit in. Everyone at her new school already seems to have friends and be involved in activities. When her teacher asks … Continue reading

Book Review: Anya and the Dragon by Sofiya pasternack

Tweet The magistrate’s message to Anya’s mother is clear: pay everything she owes on her home within 30 days or the village will take it away. Anya knows it’s an impossible task. Her father is away fighting the tsar’s war, … Continue reading

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