Tweet November is Family Literacy Month, and here at Mother Daughter Book Club. com I’m talking about increasing literacy for everyone in the family through reading groups. (See previous posts about starting a group and ideas for what to read … Continue reading
Category Archives: Book Club Meeting Ideas
Tweet When my daughters were young, reading books together was one of our favorite things to do as a family. Most often, my husband, daughters and I would snuggle up together just before the girls went to sleep, and either … Continue reading
Tweet Thanks to reader Amber A. for writing in about successful activities in her mother-daughter book club. Talking about the book and socializing are always a big part of book club meetings, but other activities can add a whole new … Continue reading
Tweet It’s easy to settle into a routine with your book club when it’s time to discuss the book. We’re all creatures of habit, and there’s something comforting about knowing what to expect when you show up at your reading … Continue reading
Tweet When book club members get together you can usually count on good fun, good company and great socializing. What’s not to like? But with all the fun you have at meetings, it may be easy to forget that you … Continue reading
Tweet If you’re looking for a way to liven up your book club meetings, you may want to consider inviting an author to connect with your group. More and more writers are looking for ways to meet and talk with … Continue reading
Tweet If your group is like most others, you tend to have a set schedule of meeting once a month or so at someone’s home for snacks or a meal and book discussion. As a rule, this is a great … Continue reading
Tweet Have you ever thought of inviting someone other than the author of the book you read to your book club meeting? When you think about the topics covered in your book and who may be able to give you … Continue reading