Book Review: Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins

Rickshaw Girl imageEveryone knows that Naima draws the most beautiful alpana patterns in her Bangladeshi village. But she wonders what good can come from her talent if she can’t help her father drive a rickshaw because she’s a girl. Money is tight for the family, and Naima worries that her mother’s heirloom bracelets will need to be pawned to pay for rickshaw repairs. She’s determined to help, even if she has to take a risk to do it.

Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins is the touching story of a girl who longs to put her talents to use. Naima’s father is careful to let her and her sister know that he is happy to have daughters, but Naima realizes her society values girls only for cooking, cleaning and carrying water. Education for girls is limited, especially since parents are expected to pay for it. When Naima discovers a woman who has broken the mold to support herself, she can finally see a path to help her own family out of its poverty.

Rickshaw Girl is very accessible for younger readers, and it gives them a glimpse of constraints that can be placed on girls in some societies even today. The charcoal illustrations by Jamie Hogan beautifully capture Naima and her village life. A glossary in the back is a good introduction to terms used in Bangladesh, and the author’s note is about micro financing and how it is helping women and girls around the world raise themselves out of the cycle of poverty. I highly recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 7 to 10. You can find a helpful discussion guide at Perkins’s website.

Book Review: The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams by Rhonda Hayter

The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams imageAbbie Adams has a lot to worry about. Her little brother isn’t always good at controlling his magic, so she often has to use her own magic to reverse his spells and make his first-grade teacher and his classmates forget weird things they’ve seen. But sometimes she forgets to cover her own tracks well enough, so she gets in trouble with her strict, fifth-grade teacher. And she doesn’t study enough at school or on her magical talents. When she discovers that her new kitten is actually a boy under an enchanting spell, she finds motivation to learn more about history and magic to help him out.

The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams by Rhonda Hayter is a fun look at how witches would have to adjust if they went about their daily lives among non-magical people. Some things are off limits, like casting forgetting spells just so you won’t get in trouble even if you deserve it. And some witches are evil, like the powerful witch who turned the boy into a kitten and plans to alter the history of technology.

Abbie has a fresh, winning voice that makes her seem like any other fifth grader. Whether she’s trying to save her little brother, help her parents, act in the school play, or save her kitten, Abbie’s charm is her sincerity and her desire to do the right thing. Moms and daughters will both fall in love with Abbie and her family as they explore science, history and a little bit of magic. I recommend The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 9 to 12.

Book Review: The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

The Summer I Turned Pretty imageEvery summer of her life Belly (short for Isabel) has gone to the same summer home with her mom, her brother, her mom’s best friend and the friend’s two sons, Conrad and Jeremiah. She’s the youngest of the children, and she always felt let out of activities the boys arranged. Now, she’s about to turn 16, and everything is changing. Boys, including Conrad and Jeremiah, are starting to think of her as something other than a pesky little sister or just a friend. Belly needs to decide if her childhood crush on Conrad still has a hold over her, or if she’s free to explore the attention she’s getting from others.

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han will make you want to grab a beach towel, sunscreen, lemonade and head out to a sandy spot where you can read without being interrupted for a while. Belly has the kind of summers that seem dream like, where moms and kids head to the beach house for three months while the dads drop in on occasional weekends. Even so, all is not perfect: Belly’s parents are divorced, her mom’s friend Susannah has battled breast cancer, and the kids are growing up, changing the dynamic of all their relationships.

Belly’s struggle with many teen issues seems very real. She wants to appear cool and older than she is by drinking alcohol at a party, but she doesn’t really want to drink either. She wants her boyfriend to kiss her, but she doesn’t know what she’ll do if he tries to go further.  She feels a nearly constant conflict between wanting to grow up and be a little reckless, and wanting to stay in her comfort zone and do what she knows is safe. These are great issues for moms and daughters to talk about. I recommend The Summer I Turned Pretty for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and up.

Book Review: Tortilla Sun by Jennifer Cervantes

Tortilla Sun imageIzzy and her mother have moved more times than she wants to remember. She’s just getting settled again when her mom announces she’s received a research grant to study in Costa Rica and Izzy will be spending the summer with her nana in New Mexico.

Izzy doesn’t know her grandmother very well, and she’s not at all happy about being dumped for a couple of months while her mom is gone. But once she arrives at the small adobe village near Albuquerque, magic starts to happen. As Izzy begins to discover more about her family and herself she begins to feel like she may have finally found a place to call home.

Tortilla Sun by Jennifer Cervantes weaves a little magic into the story and a lot of magic into readers as the tale unwinds. Izzy’s nana has a way with tortillas and a way with people as well. The story of Izzy’s parents and her own past slowly comes out in small bites to help her digest it a little bit at a time, and in the process she comes to know and love the people of the village.

Tortilla Sun had me longing to see the Sandia Mountains, feel the warmth of the sun and hear the call of the wind. New Mexico comes as vividly alive as the bright colors worn by many of its people. This book is recommended for ages 9 to 12, but I think girls up to 14 or 15 may enjoy it too. And the moms are likely to be delighted by Izzy’s journey of self-discovery. Issues to discuss include family heritage, ethnic traditions, dealing with grief and finding acceptance.

There’s a recipe in the back for tortillas that I can’t wait to try, and making them could be a fun mother-daughter book club activity. I highly recommend Tortilla Sun. If you want to find out more about the book before choosing it, you can read the first chapter. You can also download discussion questions in PDF form. And you can watch a video of author Cervantes making tortillas with her daughters.

Book Review: Solomon’s Thieves by Jordan Mechner

Solomon's Thieves imageSolomon’s Thieves is a new graphic novel that takes the reader back to medieval times and the story of the Knights Templar. The Templars came into being to protect pilgrims on their journey to the Holy Land. Over the years they became strong and wealthy in their own right, and kings began to see them as a threat. When the king of France accused them of corruption and heresy, he forced the Pope’s hand into disbanding the entire order. Many Templars were executed.

Solomon’s Thieves tells of those who escaped immediate capture and went into hiding. Many were determined to clear the Templar name, and sought to be reunited with their brethren who were also in hiding. Used to being treated as noble and heroic, these Templars chafed at being cast as outlaws.

There were also rumors of great treasure amassed by the Templars, a treasure that has never been found. The remaining Templars considered it their solemn duty to protect it from being discovered.

Solomon’s Thieves illustrates this moment in history through the story of Martin, who joined the Templars and went on crusade after his childhood love was forced to marry another. This is the first book of a planned trilogy, and includes an afterword from author Jordan Mechner about the history he conducted and more on the Templar story. Illustrations by LeUyen Pham and Alex Puvilland richly evoke the darkness of the times. I recommend Solomon’s Thieves for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and older.

Book Review: The Summer of Skinny Dipping by Amanda Howells

The Summer of Skinny Dipping imageMia can’t wait to get to her cousin Corinne’s summer house on Long Island. Even though Mia lives in Georgia, the two girls have always had a special bond. But when Mia arrives on Long Island, she can tell right away that this summer will be different. Corinne acts like she’s too cool for Mia, and she’s invited another friend to stay at the beach house over the summer.

When Mia realizes that Corinne and her friends are into alcohol, drugs and sex, she realizes that she must decide if she’ll go along to fit in. Yet she’s unsure if she’s strong enough to reject her cousin and go it alone. Then she meets Simon, who’s staying at a house next door. Simon challenges Mia in unexpected ways.

The Summer of Skinny Dipping by Amanda Howells explores lots of issues teens face and places them in the world of the wealthy few who own beach homes on Long Island. Issues that come up include teen alcohol and drug use, parents who are too involved in their own issues to notice what their kids are doing, first love, rejection, and fitting in. Many of us can relate to Mia’s desire to be part of the crowd and her discomfort with doing the things that will make her seem cool. She’s not averse to breaking the rules, but she’s not sure which rules she’s willing to break either.

As Mia’s road of discovery unfolds, she realizes that people with seemingly perfect lives can be hiding deep problems, and others admire the very things she feels insecure about. The Summer of Skinny Dipping will make you wish for days with nothing to do but lie on the beach and read while giving you issues to think about. I recommend it for girls aged 15 and up.

Book Review: The Pony Whisperer by Janet Rising

The Pony Whisperer imagePia is feeling down about having to adjust to a new home for herself and a new stable for her horse, Drummer, after her parents get divorced. She’s worried about making new friends with the other kids who ride, and she hopes Drummer gets along with the new horses too. When she takes a tumble on her first ride on the new trails, she finds she can tell just what Drummer thinks of his situation. She can actually hear him speak. She quickly realizes that her new powers are tied to the small figure of a woman riding a horse she found in the grass when she fell.

Her new power helps her make friends when she solves problems for the other horses in the stable. But when word spreads and TV and news reporters start showing up to interview this new horse whisperer, Pia isn’t sure she’s ready for the spotlight. Plus, some people don’t seem to want her advice. Can she find a way to help the horses without getting in trouble with her parents and being exposed as a fake?

The Pony Whisperer: The Word on the Yard by Janet Rising is a new series that plays to every horse lover’s dream: being able to communicate with horses. There’s a little bit of magic and a lot of everyday worries for tweens and young teens. Issues to discuss in a mother-daughter book club with girls aged 9 to 12 include friendships, making judgments about people, parents dating after divorce, and more.

Book Review: My First Best Friend by Nancy Lindemeyer

Do you remember the first person you called your best friend? If you do, chances are you’ll enjoy the 30 stories celebrating friendship in a new book from Nancy Lindemeyer, My First Best Friend: Thirty Stories, Lifetime Memories.

Stories feature friends who are still close and continue to think of each other as “the best,” and also stories from those who may have lost contact long ago but still remember how much their special friendship meant then. You’ll find recipes that hold special memories for some of the writers, and poems and quotes that help illustrate the influence friends can have on our lives.

The women in these stories also span the ages, some are enjoying being grandparents together, others are mothering older teens and young adults, and some are just starting out on their own. It’s interesting to see the things that stay the same and the things that are different in how friendships can develop in different historical times. Don’t be surprised if My First Best Friend inspires you to reach for your phone or keyboard to reconnect with your own friend from long ago.

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