Tweet Christina Hamlett knows a lot about the stage. Besides writing collections of one-act plays, she’s also spent time in front of an audience and behind the curtains as an actress and a director. But that’s not all she’s known … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet Heather Vogel Frederick’s fictional book The Mother Daughter Book Club, was reviewed in the last issue of my newsletter. She’s also written The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed, The Education of Patience Goodspeed, and the Spy Mice series. Lucky for … Continue reading
Tweet Mary Pearson is author of several books for teen readers, the latest of which is The Adoration of Jenna Fox. I recently read this along with my daughter’s mother-daughter book club, and when we finished our discussion we thought … Continue reading
Tweet Patricia McCormick has received much acclaim for the novels she’s written about important topics that people often find uncomfortable talking about. Her latest, Sold, tells the story of a young girl from Nepal who is sold into the sex … Continue reading
Tweet Laura Whitcomb is author of A Certain Slant of Light, a young adult novel that unfolds through the eyes of Helen, a spirit who died long ago but maintains contact with the living world by clinging to a host. … Continue reading
Tweet Kirby Larson wasn’t expecting to write historical fiction when the story of Hattie Inez Brooks found her. Her books before Hattie Big Sky were written for younger readers, but as Larson says, “You never know where life is going … Continue reading
Tweet Zlata Filipovic’s diary of life in war-torn Sarajevo has been compared to the Diary of Anne Frank. Only 11 years old when she started writing, she is now a poised young woman of 26 who uses her voice to … Continue reading
Tweet My daughters and I fell in love with a Gennifer Choldenko picture book before we ever started to read her novels for young readers. Moonstruck, the True Story of the Cow Who Jumped Over the Moon, is a lovely … Continue reading