About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: The Death of Silas Winterbottom by Stephen M. Giles

Tweet The Winterbottom family is not exactly what you’d call close. Cousins Adele, Isabella and Milo have never even met each other, and the elder Winterbottoms have either died or refuse to see each other. So it’s rather strange when … Continue reading

Interview with Lauren Kessler, Author of My Teenage Werewolf

Tweet In addition to teaching at the University of Oregon, Lauren Kessler is the author of several narrative nonfiction books, including Stubborn Twig, which tells the story of Japanese internment camps during World War II, and Dancing With Rose. In … Continue reading

Book Review: My Teenage Werewolf by Lauren Kessler

Tweet Worried that she was losing touch with her teen daughter, author Lauren Kessler did what few moms would be willing to do: immerse herself in middle school classrooms, locker rooms and cafeterias, taking notes all the while to turn … Continue reading

Book Review: Doodlebug by Karen Romano Young

Tweet Dodo (short for Doreen) renames herself Doodlebug when she starts drawing to pass the time during the family’s move from Los Angeles to San Francisco. She likes it so much, and she’s so good at it, that she keeps … Continue reading

Book Review: Rocky Road by Rose Kent

Tweet Who moves to Schenectady, New York with plans to open an ice cream shop in the middle of winter? That’s what twelve-year-old Tess is wondering as she’s on the way there from San Antonio, Texas. Tess and her little … Continue reading

Book Review: Nonna’s Book of Mysteries by Mary Osborne

Tweet Florence in the 1400s was a world center for painting and culture. But the guild tightly controlled who could be licensed as a master painter, and girls and women were not allowed on their list. Still, fourteen-year-old Emilia Serafini … Continue reading

Book Review: My Air Force Mom by Mary Lee

Tweet My Air Force Mom is a soft cover picture book by Mary Lee that helps young children get a glimpse of military life. The story is told through the eyes of eight-year-old Susie, whose mom is in the Air … Continue reading

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