In a future world, after a war that disrupted civilization as we know it, New York City recreated itself in a way to make sure it’s citizens would never rebel against the establishment. In this world music is a drug, and people can’t live without it. Listening habits are tightly monitored to make sure everyone stays dependent on the Corp who controls what they hear.
Anthem is one of the lowly members of this society. His mother has already died from her addiction and his father is not far behind. His driving need is to take care of his twin younger siblings, but his job, one of the many workers who supply blood used to power the city, is aging him prematurely. The only thing that keeps him going is his band. When tragedy strikes one of its members, Anthem feels he must do something to break the Corp’s hold on its citizens, or else everyone is in danger of losing what little freedom they have.
In Coda, Emma Trevayne creates a society where everything is watched and monitored, supposedly for the well being of its citizens but actually to make sure that the people in control stay in control. Anthem isn’t happy with the life that he and his friends lead, but he believes he’s powerless to change the system. His mother made him promise to take care of the twins before she died, and he plans to keep that promise.
But he also rebels against the thought of the twins, innocent and too young to get their first dose of addictive music, growing up in a world like his own. He thinks that taking care of them may be finding a way to change their future.
While it takes place in a fictional future world, Coda deals with issues relevant today: drug addiction, poverty, gender identity, government surveillance, and more. Plus it’s a good love story too. I recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and up.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.