Boo is a cute little Pomeranian who has been called “the world’s cutest dog” and who has nearly 7 million likes on his Facebook page. He also has several books for children, including BOO ABC: A to Z with the World’s Cutest Dog.
The book combines photos of Boo (taken by Gretchen LeMaistre) being adorable in some way, with activities kids can identify with to help teach the ABCs. For instance, E is for eat, and there is a picture of Boo staring longingly at a cup of cocoa and a bone-shaped cookie with the words, “Snack time! Yum!” Boo also sports a little hat for the letter H, appears with a stuffed giraffe for G, and poses with a sand castle for S. Each letter features prominently on the page along with a dog bone that contains a word to go along with the letter.
Author J. H. Lee owns Boo and Buddy, who also appears in a couple of pages, and she knows how to put her pup in situations that really show off his cute side. Children should love coming back to Boo ABC again and again, learning the alphabet as they do.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.