Sova’s mom is a scientist who studies owls. During migration time, she works at night, catching and banding saw-whet owls before sending them on their way. Sova wants to go with her, but she must be patient and wait until she’s older. When the night finally comes for Sova to go into the forest with her mom, she learns about many creatures who live there, including the owls.
Night Owl Night by Susan Edwards Richmond captures the magic of learning about wild things and how they live while also introducing young children to scientific methods. Maribel Lechuga’s illustrations have a dream-like quality to them. The soft colors and flowing lines make readers feel they are on an adventure along with Sova on a fall night.
The story is sweet, too. Sova wants to know more about her mom’s work, and as she learns about it, she also understands the importance of it. The back of the book features more information about types of northern forest owls as well as a not on owl banding.
Night Owl Night is a great book to help young readers learn about owls and the natural world.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.