Olive and Willow are excited about going away to summer camp together for the first time. As best friends, they imagine doing all their activities together and having nonstop fun. But once at camp, Olive is outgoing and makes new friends easily, while Willow is more shy and waits to join in. Willow starts to feel abandoned, and the two are soon at odds over how to spend their days. Can they find a way to both be happy before summer ends?
Camp by Kayla Miller is a graphic novel that shows friendship is an evolving thing that sometimes has to be worked at to be saved. Olive and Willow don’t want to lose what they have, but they also need to find a way to enjoy each other’s company without feeling like they’re giving up other experiences. Their solution, when they find it, provides a great example for anyone facing similar issues.
Miller treats her characters gently, showing the struggles they face as they search for ways to be happy without hurting their long-term friendship. Her illustrations capture complex emotions and move the story along expertly.
Camp is a great book for anyone prepping to go to summer camp with or without friends, or for any young reader facing an issue of evolving friendships, which is most everyone. I recommend it for readers aged 8 to 12.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.