When Ellis Reed snaps a photo of two children sitting next to a sign that says they are for sale, he only knows that the scene tugs at his heart and he wants to capture the moment. When Lillian Palmer discovers the photo and brings it to her boss, the editor at the Examiner in Philadelphia, she only knows that the human story behind it is sure to resonate with readers suffering during the Great Depression. But neither anticipates the chain of events that profoundly effects two children and their own lives in ways they can’t imagine.
Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris looks at how desperate people can make choices with dire consequences. In a time when many people are out of work, Ellis wants to secure his job as a reporter, and he’s willing to embark on what he sees as a harmless deception to do so. Lillian is hiding a secret of her own, a son born out of wedlock during a time when much of society shuns unwed mothers. She yearns for a life of stability that will provide a secure future. When the two decide to work together to correct a mistake they created, they begin to see how they can achieve their dreams with honesty and integrity.
It’s a great message in a historical setting that is sure to provoke thought and discussion among book club members as well as those reading on their own.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.