Dexter is a T-Rex who’s a lovable softie, the playmate of a child who accidentally forgets him in the pediatrician’s waiting room. When Dexter realizes he’s alone he sets out to find his friend Jack, drawing a picture of him, trying to get the attention of the receptionist, and singing their special song in the hope that Jack will hear it and come back. Dexter’s efforts grow increasingly frantic as he fears that Jack has left him on purpose, in favor of a better toy, and he becomes determined to find his way back home.
In Don’t Forget Dexter, author Lindsay Ward captures the way children often see their playthings as being able to think and feel. While telling the story from the toy’s point of view she is able to portray a variety of emotions in this sweet picture book: happiness, fear of abandonment, joy, sadness and more. And parents will likely have a lot of fun reading the story aloud, as Dexter scratches and roars and chomps and sings and splashes and cries in despair.
A word of warning: Dexter, with his cute little nose bumps, oversized head and swishy tale is likely to inspire cries of, “I want a dinosaur!” from children who fall in love with him on the page. After reading Don’t Forget Dexter (probably over and over), what parent could resist?
Read an interview with author Lindsay Ward and enter to win a copy of Don’t Forget Dexter (U.S. addresses only, please.)
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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