A boy is riding his bike when he spies a red book on the sidewalk. He takes it home, climbs to the top story and reads about a boy fishing. The fishing boy spots a red book of his own and opens it to see a boy reading in the city.
Red Again tells a story with only illustrations, no words. It’s a great way for author Barbara Lehman to get across a message about the power books have to connect us in unexpected ways. Through books children are able to make friends and get to know each other.
Because there are no words, there is opportunity to make up a story to go with the illustrations, and children should have fun bringing their own imaginations into play. The story also continues with a girl finding a red book of her own and so the adventure goes on.
With its glossy red cover and simple watercolor illustrations, Red Again will have children and their parents flipping pages back and forth to see where the stories of the children in the book connect and wanting to see how the book ties them together.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.