Lily Leanchops has a secret. She’s developing a plane that may actually fly on it’s own, without the help of magic. Her dad has been trying unsuccessfully to do the same thing for years, and she wants to show him she can be helpful. But when mysterious planes from another country come over the mountains to attach Pigdom Plains, the time for experimenting is over. Lily must do her best to save her town from warlike warthogs.
Pigs May Fly by Nick Abadzis and Jerel Dye is a sort of steampunk fantasy adventure graphic novel with a plucky heroine. Lily isn’t afraid to fly into the unknown, even when it turns out to be dangerous. She’s brave and capable and determined to do what needs to be done. She believes magic exists, but knows it has limitations, which means she relies on science to create lasting solutions for her inventions.
Parts of the story are reminiscent of Star Wars, but its originality comes from creating a land where pigs live, work, play, perform experiments, and yes, fly. It’s a compelling tale with fascinating illustrations of pigs in Victorian gear working on advanced machinery. Lots of fun!
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.