There are so many things twelve-year-old Nina doesn’t understand about grown ups. Like why do they ask you questions if they don’t want honest answers, and if adults can stop kids from doing things, then why can’t kids stop adults from doing things too? She’d especially like to be able to stop her teacher from punishing her when she’s done nothing wrong. But most of all, Nina would like to get her mom to realize that marrying the guy she is dating would be a big mistake for the whole family. The hard part is figuring out how.
How to Stop Your Grownup From Making Bad Decisions by Judy Balan is funny and irreverent as it explores the difficulties of being twelve. Nina reveals herself through a series of blog-posts about the things in life that most concern her: school, an older sister who is a mystery, a mom who sometimes acts like a teenager herself, a close family friend, and grandparents. Family squabbles crop up all the time, painting a realistic picture of people who love each other but don’t always know the best way to show it.
Tweens are sure to enjoy Nina’s tell-it-like-it-is style as they read about situations that will resonate with their own experiences. I recommend How to Stop Your Grownup from making Bad Decisions for readers aged 10 to 13.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.