Wilf is a worrier. He is afraid of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of his mouth and wigs and roller skates and elevators and twirly mustaches and many more things. But when evil lunatic Alan moves in next door and lets Wilf know that he plans to destroy the world, Wilf has to gather all his courage to stop Alan. But first, he has to consult the leaflet he picked up from the library called “How to Stop Worrying,” which has ten suggestions of “things to do that might help.”
Wilf the Mighty Worrier Saves the World by Georgia Pritchett is sure to tickle the funny bone of kids who worry and even those who don’t. Assisted by Dot, his little sister who wears smelly diapers and attracts all things sticky, Wilf faces his fears to confront Alan as well as his sidekick, guards, and robot. Pritchett’s illustrations portray Wilf as a normal boy, just like someone you might know. Also, mixed in with illustrations are made up, funny words like sproingy, badoinged, and kerbillion that go a long way of painting Wilf as a creative kid who faces his fears and triumphs over them.
Wilf the Mighty Worrier is an endearing story that will have worriers everywhere cheering for this unlikely hero.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.