There once was a little dog named Pepe who achieved fame and fortune because of the enormous sombrero he wore on his head. But for all his success, the little dog most wanted what he did not have: a family to love him.
Derek Taylor Kent has created a cute tale told in both English and Spanish with his picture book, El Perro con Sombrero: A Bilingual Doggy Tale. Pepe can do amazing things for a pup. He acts, he sings, he’s a comedian. But his enemy is a cat, el gato in zapatos. When el gato’s jealousy drives him to steal Pepe’s sombrero, they are both surprised at what happens next.
Jed Henry’s illustrations are great at capturing Pepe’s emotions as he goes from a dog on the street, to a celebrity, to a dog who goes after what’s been taken from him. Bright, colorful images keep the action moving throughout. English words are in black and Spanish words are in red, so it’s easy for everyone to recognize which is which.
El Perro con Sombrero can be read over and over again, in several different ways: English only, Spanish only, or with a translation for each line. It’s lots of fun!
The author provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.