Speaking up for ourselves in important matters seems like it should be easy. After all, if we can’t say what we like, dislike, or won’t accept, who will do it for us? Yet, many people have trouble doing this. They may be afraid to hurt others feelings, lack confidence that their point of view will be accepted, or they may worry that others will retaliate.
Learning to speak up may be especially important for kids in the tween phase, those middle school years when so many things are changing and they may not be clear enough or confident enough in what they believe to say something about it. A guide written by Halley Bondy is designed to help kids that age, girls in particular, find their voice in a variety of situations.
Speak Up! A Guide to Having Your Say and Speaking Your Mind addresses all kinds of issues, including how to voice your concerns to friends, family and people at school. It delves into how to recognize bullying and tell someone about it, how to go through a relationship break up, and more. The material is presented in easy to digest small bites, with sample conversations, lists of do’s and don’ts, quizzes, and bullet points that help readers identify what they feel strongly about and learn to communicate effectively.
Speak Up! is geared to girls, but it should also be good for moms and daughters to read and discuss the issues together. I recommend it for ages 10 to 13.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.