When Trik gets lost in the woods and falls down a deep ravine, he discovers a land that seems untouched by time and where unknown creatures screech in the night. After watching a strange lizard/bird hatch from a nest destroyed by a falling tree, he takes the little thing along on his quest to find home. Little does he know that his “pet” Apollo will protect him from harm, help him forge new friendhsips and take him on a journey of discovery in his own back yard.
Raptor Ravine by James L. Butler is an adventure story set in the small town of Mist, Oregon, where the trees grow tall and families make a living off the land. Trik and his friends come together over their shared curiosity about Apollo, and in the process learn a lot about each other that they otherwise would have never known.
Apollo is a mystery they seek to solve, and their quest leads them to learn about paleontology, Native American legends and more. Raptor Ravine is a captivating story that will charm young readers with its sense of adventure and issues important to kids aged 9 to 11, such as making the transition to middle school, friendships between boys and girls, and growing up.
The author provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.