Review: Sylvia Doe and the 100-Year Flood by Robert Beatty

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Sylvia Doe doesn’t know where she came from or who her parents were. All she knows is she would rather stay at the Highground Home for Children, where she can tend horses and be surrounded by nature, than live in a foster home in the city. So she keeps running away from new placements to find her way back.

After Sylvia escapes one time too many, the authorities want to put her in a secure facility. An epic flood disrupts those plans and brings unexpected things riding the current of the local river. When Sylvia rescues a near-drowning boy from the water, the two set off on a journey to discover where he belongs and stop the cause of the flooding. Along the way, they both learn more about themselves and how to get back home.

Sylvia Doe and the 100-Year Flood by Robert Beatty is a tale of adventure, courage, and self-discovery. Sylvia and Jorda (the boy she saves), must face their fears over and over again as they continue their quest. Along the way they discover that Jorda comes from the past, and so do the creatures washed out by the flood. But they’re not sure if they can figure out how to get him home and find a place where Sylvia belongs, too.

Touted as a nature-based mystery-adventure, Sylvia Doe and the 100-Year Flood moves at a fast pace. Sylvia’s bond with the horses, and with a caretaker at Highground, are touching. And her observations about nature and wildlife through the ages could inspire young readers to pay more attention to the world where they live. Her growing feelings for Jorda make their quest more complicated.

The descriptions of how Sylvia and Jorda navigated the water sometimes got confusing, and they spent a lot of time fighting the water. But I expect that young readers aged 9 to 12 will be intrigued by both the mystery and adventure enough that any confusions won’t bother them.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: As Edward Imagined by Matthew Burgess & Marc Majewski

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During his life Edward Gorey was the artist for many children’s books written by other authors. He also wrote and illustrated his own. He won awards designing costumes for plays, but he preferred to spend most of his time quietly at home snuggling up to his cats.

It’s appropriate then, for children to read a picture book about this artist who inspired other famous artists. As Edward Imagined: A Story of Edward Gorey in Three Acts is written by Matthew Burgess and Marc Majewski.

From his early life, Edward was an avid reader and wholly individual. As a child he wrote stories and painted his toenails green. As an adult he wore lots of clinking rings on his fingers and attended nearly every performance of the New York City Ballet for 20 years. Later in life, he lived by the sea and wrote plays for local theaters.

As Edward Imagined is playful and colorful, much like the artist himself. It’s a great introduction to young readers about the man whose work continues to charm.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: How To Be A Super Awesome Artist by Henry Carroll & Rose Blake

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Sometimes all you need to create art is a little bit of inspiration and some straightforward instruction on getting started. That’s what budding artists and their parents will find in How To Be A Super Awesome Artist: 20 Art Projects Inspired By The Masters by Henry Carroll & Rose Blake.

Using well-known artists as examples, the book presents nearly two-dozen projects that can be taken on with a few simple supplies. For instance, one project encourages young artists to be scavengers in the style of Aaron Johnson’s piece called, “Dandy.” In it, Johnson arranges different types of socks that he painted to create a monster face. The challenge presented to readers is to find any old household items or containers and arrange them to make something new.

Even Pablo Picasso’s “Dachshund/Sausage Dog,” which uses one continuous line to draw the dog, can inspire multiple drawings using only a pencil. The book goes over basics of drawing with exercises in shading, smudging, cross-hatching, and more. And it covers the basics of using paint, particularly acrylics.

The back of the book contains a brief history of art with a timeline. How To Be A Super Awesome Artist is the kind of book that can inspire art projects for years, as each challenge can be completed more than once. I recommend it for readers aged 8 to 12.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Death at Morning House by Maureen Johnson

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Marlowe Wexler had an epic first date with her long-time crush Akilah. But it ended badly when Marlow lit a candle to set a mood and accidentally burned down a family friend’s summer cottage. She ends up taking a job at Morning House, an historic home on an island in the St. Lawrence River to get away from her failure.

In her new job Marlowe gives tours and helps keep the house ready for visitors. But something seems off to her. When she learns she’s the replacement for a worker who died in an accident and then her boss disappears, Marlowe starts following clues to find out what happened. In the process she also seeks to discover the real story of how two people who lived at Morning House in the 1920s died.

As Marlowe digs deeper, she senses whatever secrets she is uncovering put her in danger. Can she solve the mystery before she’s the next one to suffer tragedy?

Death at Morning House by Maureen Johnson is for mystery lovers and fans of teen romance. From the beginning readers can sense that something was awry with the long ago deaths. Author Johnson toggles from present to past to give details from both time periods.

Also, the setting is super cool. The island where Morning House sits is one of nearly two thousand that dot the river between the U.S. and Canada. It’s an area known for smuggling bootleg alcohol during Prohibition, making it an ideal place for hiding secrets.

Johnson doles out clues until the very end, keeping readers in suspense until a satisfying and creepy conclusion. I recommend it for readers aged 14 and up.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Nina Peanut by Sarah Bowie

Nina Peanut loves making videos that involve potatoes and bananas and tips on how not to step in dog poop. She posts her videos online, where she has two people following her: her best friend Brian and her grandma.

Megan also posts videos online. Mostly about her super-cute pup doing tricks. Megan is popular, with lots of followers and Nina wants to have that too. When the two are paired together to make a video for class it’s no surprise when their styles clash. But Nina becomes more like Megan to gain popularity, which pushes her friendship with Brian to the background. Can Nina figure out how to focus on what’s important while also making room for new experiences in her life?

Nina Peanut: Creative Genius by Sarah Bowie tells Nina’s story in graphic novel diary-format. Nina is delightfully unselfconscious about her quirks and goof-ups. She’s also a sympathetic character in hoping to be popular while also wanting to stay true to her own style. The illustrations are fun and whimsical. Plus Nina has a cat who becomes famous for dong nothing and Megan has a dog who is a whiz at performing tricks. It’s all a lot of fun.

Nina Peanut will have readers laughing at Nina’s foibles and the ways she gets out of them. I recommend it for ages 8 to 11.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Owl Prowl Mystery by Diana Renn

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Miles really cares about the wildlife that lives around his home. He lives next to a wooded area and wildlife refuge that suddenly gets lots of attention for the owls spotted there. But when people flock to the area to get a sighting, they sometimes act in ways that stress the owls and can put them in harm’s way.

Also, by studying owl pellets, Miles and his friends discover that someone may be putting out bait so they can get closer to the birds. Finding out who’s responsible, and helping to inform people about the best way to help, is an adventure for the Backyard Rangers, which is what Miles and his friends call themselves.

The Owl Prowl Mystery by Diana Renn takes readers on a birding adventure where they learn a lot about owls and how to be advocates for them. For instance, Miles is putting up fake spider webs for Halloween when he learns that birds can get caught in the material and have difficulty getting out. And he goes along on a scientific expedition to band saw-whet owls so their movements can be studied.

Miles learns a lot from his teacher, who also recognizes that he sometimes has trouble concentrating on his work or speaking up in class. She helps him find his voice and a way to stay on task when completing assignments.

As Miles and his friends race to uncover the mystery of who might be harming owls, they push the boundaries of what their parents allow them to do on their own. In the process, they discover a lot about themselves and how to talk to their parents about important topics.

The Owl Prowl Mystery is a thoughtful tale that will lead young readers on an adventure while educating them in the process. I recommend it for ages 9 to 12.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: PetWizards by Kirk Scroggs

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Finch Eaglehawk is a petwizard, a human who can control animals. Petwizards have existed for centuries, but they’re supposed to be discreet, so no one knows about their special powers. But when the middle school musical is in jeopardy, and Finch’s crush Ken Chu needs help, Finch promises to provide a flock of seagulls for the performance. Trouble is, petwizards have specialty animals they control, and Finch doesn’t control seagulls.

Finch sets out to see if he can figure out how to expand his powers anyway, and a series of hilarious and unfortunate events unfold from his efforts. It’s all lots of fun in the graphic novel, PetWizards: Control Your Destiny by Kirk Scroggs.

Helping Finch out is his associate Aberdeen, who advises him by reading the book on petwizard rules, and a girl named Erica, who is hiding a secret of her own. The trio tries and fails at several attempts before foiling Finchi’s nemesis Lance, and coming up with a solution that works for everyone.

PetWizards is playful and fun. I recommend it for readers aged 9 to 12.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Cookie Crumbles by Tracy Badua & Alechia Dow

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Laila and Lucy are best friends intent on going to Sunderland Academy, an exclusive boarding school high school where Laila hoped to hone her baking skills and Lucy planned to learn more about investigative journalism. When a cookie baking competition comes up, it offers them both what they want: scholarships that will let their families afford the school.

The plan is for Laila to bake and Lucy to write about the competition. But when one of the judges collapses while eating Laila’s cookie, fingers point in her direction for foul play. As the girls become convinced that someone wanted the chef out of the way, they race to figure out who before someone else becomes a victim.

The Cookie Crumbles by Tracy Badua and Alechia Dow is a great middle-grade mystery that will have readers longing to munch on desserts while trying to figure out whodunnit. The authors tell the story with first-person accounts from the two main characters. As they dig deeper into what’s going on, they learn a lot about themselves, their fellow competitors, and even their own friendship.

The Cookie Crumbles offers just-the-right-amount of mystery for young readers to keep flipping pages while adding humor to a serious subject. I recommend it for ages 9 to 12.

The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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