Tweet Here’s an idea to get your kids reading more this summer – help them find a series they like. The right series will send them looking for the next books as soon as they turn the last page of … Continue reading
Tag Archives: summer reading
Tweet Emery Jackson doesn’t feel like she fits in with the rest of her family. Her mom and sister are cute and petite and skinny. They are obsessed with wearing stylish clothes and makeup. Her dad, a former basketball player, … Continue reading
Tweet A recent column by David Brooks in the New York Times cites a study where researchers sent books home with disadvantaged students for summer reading. After doing this for three years, they found that these students had significantly higher … Continue reading
Tweet If your mother-daughter book club doesn’t meet in the summer, this may be a good time for you to pick up a classic, either to read on your own or for a book club meeting scheduled for the fall. … Continue reading