Horrid Henry is at it again, although this time he’s really trying to make us laugh. Horrid Henry’s Joke Book, which is written by Francesca Simon and illustrated by Tony Ross is the latest in the series of stories about this rascally little boy who’s always trying to get away with something.
These jokes are exactly the kind that my daughter would have appreciated when she was seven to 10 years old. I know she would have told this knock-knock joke over and over again and expected her dad and I to laugh each time:
“Knock. Knock.
Who’s there?
Cows go.
Cows go who?
No they don’t, they go moo.”
The jokes are silly and often play on words, which is what many young readers adore as they are just learning the ins and outs of language. And because it is a Horrid Henry book, the jokes are grouped into categories that match Henry’s style. For instance, you’ll find Mummy’s Curse Jokes, Gross-Out Jokes, Scary Sitter Jokes, Underpants Jokes, and more. And of course, there’s a section for Perfect Peter’s Favorite Jokes, which Henry begs everyone not to read. Despite the banner that says, “Warning: Too rude for parents!” on the front cover, moms and dads should have fun reading these with their early readers.