When we last saw the Graveyard Girls, Whisper, Sophie, Gemma, and their friend Zuzu, they had just found out that someone stole Silas Hoke’s body. In the next installment in the series, Graveyard Girls: Scream for the Camera by Lisi Harrison and Daniel Kraus, they are on a quest to find out who did it.
The girls try to solve the mystery by consulting a Ouija board, which lets the spirit of long-ago murdered Ginny Baker into the living world where she causes all kinds of mischief. As she sends the girls signs and speaks through Zuzu, they encounter one challenge after another. They are tested in unexpected ways, but find themselves rising to each challenge.
Scream for the Camera ends in another mystery, which sets up the story for the next book. Young readers aged 9 to 12 who like creepy mysteries will be happy to keep up in the series.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.