Parents looking for environmentally friendly activities they can do with their children will find inspiration, instructions and materials in The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself. Authors Susan Hayes and Penny Arlon present a variety of projects that appeal to kids’ curious nature about the world around them while also feeding an interest that many have for conserving that nature.
The book says that every page can be cut up, folded, torn, and reused, including the cover and spine. Even the pages that don’t include projects, like the intro pages, have notes at the bottom that say things like, “Don’t Throw This Away! Use this page to make a seed pouch for project 17.”
Projects fit many ages and work in many places. For instance, “Have a Litter Pickup to clean up our shared spaces” talks about everything you need to organize a litter pickup event. The page has six invitations on the back that can be cut out and sent to people who may participate. “Save Water to make sure we all have enough” offers tips on ways to reduce what comes out of the tap and includes instructions on using the back of the page, which has a pretty, printed design, to make a raindrop mobile.
In all, the book features more than 30 family-friendly activities. The whole concept is fun and invites more exploration about the topics covered. And some, like planting wild seeds, will bring more benefits later. The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself can provides hours of fun and shared activity time for families of all types. I highly recommend it.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.