This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from around the World by Matt Lamothe is a great book to introduce kids to what life is like for children around the world. It explores the lives of seven real kids from four continents. They live in Italy, Japan, Russia, India, Iran, Uganda and Peru. Each child is introduced with a name and sometimes a nickname in the beginning. Then, highlights of each of their daily lives follow.
For instance, a section titled, “This is where I live,” has drawings depicting an apartment house in Russia, a house made of wood and mud in Uganda, a two story home in Japan, and a tin-roofed loose-board construction in Peru as well as drawings of all the other types of homes.
As the book unfolds, readers find out about families, food, clothes school and more. Readers see real photos of the children with their families at the end, along with a glossary of terms. An author’s note says Lamothe’s tip to Uganda led him to be “amazed at both how different and how similar” the country was to the place he lived.
I recommend This Is How We Do It for ages 5 to 8.
The publisher provided me with copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.