I’m very happy to announce that I have an essay in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Merry Christmas! which releases today. When I’m not writing about mother-daughter book clubs, reading, and books, I enjoy writing about family life. The essay in this edition of Chicken Soup is a story about a holiday tradition my husband and I started after we got married 25 years ago: We give each other a heart ornament to go on the Christmas tree. It’s hard to believe, but we’re now up to 49 ornaments, and I expect our collection to grow for many years to come.
There are 101 personal essays about the holidays in Merry Christmas! They fall into broad categories such as The Joy of Family, A Different Kind of Christmas, The Perfect Gift, Holiday Shenanigans, and more. If you’re looking for a holiday-themed book to read or give away, this one is sure to be appreciated.

I also have an essay in Merry Christmas!
Love the stories…all of them.
Laugh, cry, things that make you go aaah or cheesewhiz that’s happened to me before.
The cover is fantastic. You know what they say…sometimes the illustrations enhance the book even more.
Well done to all the contributors!!
I loved your story about Christmas at the Creek, Cindy. You painted such a vivid picture of the Canyon Inn at Mccormick’s Creek State Park. What a great family tradition you’ve created!