Life has not been easy for Jonathan Aubrey after he survived the plane crash that killed his family 10 years ago. Now a senior in high school, he’s adrift without plans for after he graduates. There’s only one place where he feels happy—the alternate world he created where Kylie Simms is his girlfriend.
Jonathan doesn’t know how he is able to create worlds, it’s something that started after the accident, but he knows it’s the only thing that’s kept him going over the years. But when reality and the Kylie world start to collide, he realizes he’ll have to choose how he wants to live in the future.
In a World Just Right by Jen Brooks takes readers into the possibility that worlds can exist alongside the one we know. The physical and emotional distance escaping into them brings can have powerful appeal to anyone going through problems in the real world. Jonathan’s dilemma comes from deciding whether it’s best to take chances on rejection and pain in the real world or live in a place where people behave a certain way only because he created them that way. Neither world will be perfect.
With several plot twists and moral and ethical issues to discuss, In a World Just Right is a good choice for book clubs whose members are 14 or older.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.