Yesterday, I featured a book review along with a giveaway of Liz Prince’s Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir. Today, Prince is stopping by Mother Daughter Book Club. com to answer a few questions.
Here’s a little bit of information you may want to know about her before reading the interview:
Liz Prince is an autobiographical cartoonist who currently lives outside of Boston, Massachusetts, with her two cats, Wolfman and Dracula. Her first book, Will You Still Love Me If I Wet the Bed?, won the Ignatz Award for Outstanding Debut in 2005. She has since published the comic strip collections Delayed Replays and Alone Forever. She has drawn comics for the wildly popular Adventure Time comic series, is a regular contributor to Razorcake magazine, and self–publishes her own comics and zines. She is still a tomboy, and can frequently be found shopping in the boys’ section at thrift stores.
Now, on to the interview.
What do you like most about telling a story with words and illustrations?
LP: I’m a very visual person, so the drawings tell as much for me as the words do. I believe that the strength of the artwork in my comics is in the acting and emotion that I’m able to convey in my characters. It’s very fulfilling to be able to use two narrative devices at once.
What do you find most challenging about it?
LP: I know that my art isn’t the most technically precise: I still have trouble with realistic perspective and rendering textures and backgrounds. I’m still developing those skills, but I’ve hopefully created a style of drawing that fits really well with my narrative, and ultimately makes the stories so much more me.
When you were growing up, you were bullied for not fitting into expectations for how they felt girls should dress and act. Do you think things have changed at all for kids who don’t conform? What helped you get through those times?
LP: I think that there are a lot more resources for parents who have gender non-conforming children, and a lot more understanding that gender binaries shouldn’t be so strict. I would hope that things have changed, but I can’t say for sure!
My parents, being as supportive as they were, really made me feel comfortable just being me. My story would probably be a lot different if my mom was forcing me into party dresses and making me take ballet classes.
How did you eventually find the right path for you?
LP: Honestly, it was probably half luck and half being stubborn.
What is the most important thing you would like readers to remember after reading your memoir?
LP: I would like the readers to remember the importance of being yourself; anything else is disingenuous.
Is there anything else you’d like to say to readers at Mother Daughter Book Club. com?
LP: I hope that folks will keep up with me and my comics at! Thanks for the questions, Cindy!