Occasionally I accept guest reviews, and I recently received several from moms talking about a book for teens called The Clover Tree by Kimberly Foster. I’m featuring those reviews, along with an offer by Foster to give away 5 autographed copies of The Clover Tree to readers at Mother Daughter Book Club. com. Here’s the synopsis of the book from publisher Balboa Press, followed by the reviews.
If you’d like to enter your name to win a copy, just leave a comment here before midnight (PDT), Tuesday, April 9 (U.S. and Canadian addresses only please). (Please note: the giveaway is closed. See the comments for a note on the winners.)
From Balboa Press:
Even a magical clover can’t make adolescence any easier.
Sporty Kate Malone has a powerful ally, full access to a magical clover field. At thirteen, the ability to manifest a pair of designer jeans, an A on a math test, and best yet, a first boyfriend have never been more opportune. Yet Kate’s desire to be popular outweighs the prudent decision to keep her clover field a secret, and she jeopardizes both her popularity and her belief system. Then, in an instant, worrying about sitting at the cool table at lunch is overshadowed by tragedy. Kate strays into a teenage world that is tempting and destructive. Will Kate sabotage her soccer aspirations and friendships? Can she use the power of the clover to save herself?
Reviews from moms in mother-daughter book clubs in Bellevue, Washington:
“We loved this story! Once we “fell into” the book, we couldn’t put it down. It was funny and sad. Although Kate goes through a real hard life experience, The Clover Tree is an inspiring story of setting life goals and staying focused on them. Kate’s relationship with her father is so touching and the story is a reminder of how important family and true friends are in our lives.” — Brooke and mom, Marie
“My daughter Madelyn took it first and could not put it down. She just kept saying how great it was. She thinks it is geared for her age (14) and REALLY loved it! She finished it in one night.” — Laura (mom)
Review from Hay House Radio
“Kimberly Foster’s innate ability to write about teen angst is a wonder in itself. Combined with the intricate and complex subject of self-realization and manifestation woven throughout the pages, The Clover Tree becomes much more than your typical teen read. It’s a road map for teens and adults alike. Embedded in realistic fiction, The Clover Tree teaches tangible tools for reaching your goals and manifesting your dreams in a way that most other teen reads fall short.” — Jennifer Morris, Co-host of “Bright New Voices, The Balboa Press Hour!” Hay House Radio